Our Policy Area Coordinator for Education, Merle Andraschko, hosted in the end of September a seminar for steakholders. A co-arrangement between Policy Area Education and  the Ministry of Education and Culture of Finland, with the kind support of the City of Lappeenranta in eastern Finland.

Participants were representatives of PA Education flagships and projects who shared their practical experience with the Strategy and PA Education in particular; representatives of Finnish institutions and organizations working in the fields of education, science, access to the labour market, social affairs and integration of migrants.

Participants were familiarized with the overall objectives of the EUSBSR and the actions pursued by PA Education. They learned about ongoing policy action processes and projects such as the Coordinators Training Programme for coordinators of youth guidance centres. Furthermore, they learned about funding opportunities under the ESF+ by the Finnish intermediate body and had the opportunity to get to know each other and exchange experiences and ideas.